Monday, April 21, 2008

RoboCon 2008 - Friday's log

RoboCon 2008 is over and we truly had some great fun.
Here are those B9 Club Memebers that attended.

Front row, left-right Greg Logue, Bob Considine, Mark Newlon, Charlie Garcia
Back Row Left-right Mike Cox, Bruce Cox
Not Pictured Edd Armstrong from Denver

In attendance this year were out of town club members Greg Logue and his Robot B9Greg, Mark Newlon, Bruce Cox and his brother Mike, and Bob Considine and his wife April. Myself and Edd Armstrong were here from Denver and we all had a ball talking about the Robot's and how they are built and the techniques we used. Bob Considine brought in some solid aluminum wheels complete with weight reducing holes and "V" Type tread groove that he has made. They are beautiful!

Here is Friday's Log, the 1st Day of the Convention.....

It took about 3 hours on Friday afternoon for Greg and I to set up our display, the tables and the Robots. Around 5:00pm that afternoon people started to stop by and as the evening progressed, it was an endless stream of people in the Robot Room to see the two Robots and ask hundreds of questions about them. It was so busy in fact that we didn't even get to eat dinner until we got home around 10:30pm.

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