Saturday, November 1, 2008


The Robot had a busy schedule this Halloween. He was a big hit where I work and and even bigger hit at the house. For the first time in 75 years here in Denver it was warm for Halloween. Usually it's hoovering around 20 degrees with either snow or rain but it was shirt sleeves last night! We even had a couple Police Officers that were patrolling the neighborhood stop by and came out to talk with me about the Robot. One little 4-5 year old kid that came for his loot looked at the officer with a critical eye for a minute and then told the Officer he had a really cool costume! I thought the parents were going to faint. That was the AFV moment of the night. I gave the Officers some candy to give to all the little kids that were there and the Officers talked with all of them for a couple of minutes then left. By 7:00pm the word must have got out because the visitors were arriving in groups of 10 or more. The little kids would sit down in front of the Robot and ask me to "make him talk". The parents asked if I would hire the Robot out for babysitting because the kids just sat there not moving and watched him. When the parents wanted to go the kids didn't want to leave! One couple came back and said their three boys begged to see the Robot one more time before they went home. Another couple that came the husband said he had met me while I was building the Robot in the summer of 2005 and shortly after that they moved from the area. They came back to visit with friends and stopped by to see if I had finished him. They were all amazed by his size and impressed when he could carry on a conversation with them thanks to the I-B9 Software. Here are some pictures of both events. Unfortunately I couldn't get pictures of the crowds because I was busy running the Robot and making him talk! I need to hire a photographer. I can't wait to get the R2-D2 finished for next year!

The Robot at work.

The entire Facilities Dept.

The Robot at the house waiting to entertain the Trick or Treaters.